Choose Life Coaching

6 Exciting things I Learned while Transitioning to a Career in Life Coaching

To say I’ve learned a lot since making the move to become a Life Coach is an understatement. From the never-ending list of coaching specialties to software, marketing, and time saving tips from the experts. It sometimes can feel overwhelming. There are a plethora of options out there on how to establish a coaching practice. You can learn from a pro or give it a go on your own. Either way, the tremendous amount of education available to new and experienced coaches can make for a smoother experience. But, make no mistake, there can be a bit of a learning curve when it comes to the actual work done behind the scenes to make it happen. If I had to do it again I would most likely take the same route.

Along the way, I’ve also discovered parts of this profession that I really enjoy. Things like owning my own hours. Or, the vast number of communities and forums that subscribe to the coaching methodologies. Resources that provide support are everywhere!

In this post I’ll share some of the amazing things that helped me to choose Life Coaching as the next step in my career. You’ll learn about my experiences along the journey and what it has taught me. By the end, you’ll have a better understanding on why I chose this path in my development. If it interests you or someone else you know that is looking to become a coach, share this post with them. Maybe, just maybe becoming a coach will give them the opportunity to shine!

Here are 6 exciting things that I learned while transitioning to a career in Life Coaching, some of which I didn’t find out until after I started coaching!

Coaching utilizes skills you already have

The beauty of coaching is that it will be unique to each coach. You formulate you own style based on the skills you already have. Or, from experiences that happened in your past. Combine your wealth of knowledge with a well designed coach training program are the best tools in your arsenal. It’s what sets coaches a part from each other.

Coaching is not “therapy”

Traditionally, therapy focuses more on the past. Which can be very beneficial for working on childhood trauma, phobias, and disorders. The coaching framework deals with present day challenges as well as future goals. Disease, disorders, or dysfunction is not typical of coaching work except when it is in conjunction with the therapy. In that dynamic the coach, client, and therapist work together to create a customized plan. This keeps everyone well informed of the best course of treatment to yield optimal results for the client.

Moreover, if you have never been to either of these types of professionals, then coaching is the perfect segway into a process of working on yourself.

Where should you coach? Think outside the box

Okay, this one you can have fun with. The old, boring meeting at the office is definitely out! Think parks, walks on the beach, or maybe a session over lunch. Sounds relaxing? It’s all possible as long as that is what the client wants. Wherever they are most comfortable makes it easier for the coach to gain their full attention. Distractions and frequent interruptions are not the ideal setting except, when the situation might be that the client only has time in between staff meetings and workouts. Coaches will work around a client’s schedule if that is their only availability window.

Pro Tip: Ask your client where he or she may want to go if they are having trouble concentrating during sessions. If it feasible for you both to meet up say, at the waterfront mid afternoon, then go for it! A stroll by the water could make a world of difference.

It’s time to figure out your client’s happy place and meet them there!

Design your coaching practice around your schedule

There’s so much flexibility when it comes to having a coaching practice. If you have an existing job, then you may want to start out with part- time work. In time you can build up a client list or decide if you can make the transition to coaching full-time. Some coaches perform the typical 9 – 5 work day / 5 day work week. Others I know, want to spend most of their days practicing ‘self care’ regimens while holding 2 or 3 sessions in between. Both are not only acceptable, they are completely achievable! It all depends on the ways that you can integrate your practice into your life. Nothing is set in stone.


coaches for every area of life

Don’t worry… There’s a coach for that!

Believe it or not you can find coaching support for just about any topic. I am not kidding about this. Some of these specialty niches I did not know about prior to settling on Life Coaching. This is why I believe there is a tremendous need for it in the world right now. Who out there couldn’t use a helping hand? The most popular practices that I’ve come across are Executive Coaching, Health Coaching, and Wellness Coaching.

I list below coaching niches that have a specific audience:

  • Grief Coaching
  • Personal Finance Coaching
  • Minimalism Coaching
  • Salary Negotiation Coaching
  • Memory Coaching
  • Parenting Coaching
  • Habits Coaching
  • Creative Writing Coaching

If you are looking for more than one type of coach, then I suggest you try searching a directory. These directories provide qualified professionals along with their profiles. They can list the capabilities of the coach as well as their own achievements in their work. I’ve listed a few of them to help you get started:

Each website has many members. Prices may vary. Check with each member or site admin for more details.

Pro Tip: Looking for platforms that carries a variety of coaching professionals in one place? Why not try social media. Facebook, LinkedIn, and Pinterest to name a few, are filled with coaching professionals marketing their expertise to eager followers.

Never stop learning

Knowledge is infinite! So are the options to continue educating yourself as you improve your ability to coach others. I found that coaching communities, forums, and social media are some of the best ways to find out the topics that interest your clients. This information is crucial to you staying ‘top of your game’ within your niche. Any new techniques / learning outcomes that can be incorporated into your business can provide substantial growth financially and holistically.

If you are a mind set coach, adding hypnotherapy could be beneficial for use with affirmations. A health coach could learn more from designing exercise routines to aid clients who operate on tight timelines.

Bonus Pro Tip: Dress for success

For those of you who are concerned about what you should wear to your coaching sessions or in other words, how you should present yourself to your client, this section is for you. The simple answer: whatever make you feel comfortable in the moment as long as it does not interfere with the coaching dynamic. How you represent yourself to your audience can go a long way in getting their attention as well as admiration. If you are a business or executive coach, your attire may consist of suits and business causal clothing. But a health coach may find athleisure or sports wear to be appropriate for the sessions.

Either way, the coaching environment should be comfortable and move at a pace that is design to further your client’s path towards achievements. Aiming for this goal no matter what you wear is primary.

Final Word

The world of coaching is filled with a vast number of niches to suit just about anyone looking for a coach.   Life Coaching is such that you can often run into that indecisive client who can’t quite double down on a specific topic to work on. They’ll come to you to help them find clarity on which areas to prioritize. If they find value in the partnership, it can deter them from moving on. A life coach provides encouragement in all areas. They’re like the “swiss army” knife in the coaching industry. To me, having that flexibility keeps my work interesting. Not to mention I gain more experience while working through a variety of topics with clients.

The perks of being a life coach far exceed a lot of the effort it takes to get into it. If you enjoy being your own boss, coaching without barriers, and utilizing your own experiences as part of your framework, then this is the right choice for you.

Maxcine W. – Staying Connected

About Maxcine W.

I am a reproductive health professional and Life & Fertility Coach. Providing support in areas of fertility care, fertility treatments, pregnancy, parenting, andrology, goal setting, and health & wellness.

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